Jose Figueres enjoying the concert.

As you may probably know Costa Rica is a country without an army. The event happened on December 1st, 1941. After the Army of Liberación Nacional defeated a coalition of the communist party, the government of Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia, and the Nicaraguan army

This is one of the biggest highlights of our history. It allows the country to focus all the money usually spend on the army on health and education. Still to this day, that decision together with our social security policy is the reason why Costa Rica is far ahead of our neighboring countries.

In this photo taken in 2018 during the FIA (Festival Internacional de las Artes) an International Public Festival, you can see a statue of Jose María Figueres Ferrer commander of the Army of Liberación Nacional, and one of the founders of Costa Rica’s second republic. «Watching» the opening concert of the FIA 2018.

One of the most iconic phrases of «Don Pepe». Who also founded Costa Rica’s National Symphonic Orchestra and who died in 1990.

Why tractors without violins

José Figueres Ferrer. 26th of July 1992.

For me as a Costa Rican the fact that I was allowed as a child to live a peaceful life. Where health, education, and nourishment were my inalienable rights. Is a privilege that I want to maintain for future generations and hopefully export to as many parts of the world as possible.

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